Climate Social Responsibility Series - 零浪费大挑战


About the series (本系列说明)

保护地球系列之 《零浪费大挑战》以生日派对为题材,用生动活泼的角色和绘本故事的形式带领小朋友重新思考什么是垃圾。小朋友不仅学着区分可再循环垃圾的种类,了解垃圾填埋的危害,还对平时的行为进行反恩,通过减少、重复使用、再循环资源达到零浪费的目标。

The Climate Social Responsibility Book series is based on the theme of birthday parties and leads children to rethink what waste is in the form of lively characters and illustrated stories. Children will learn to differentiate between types of recyclable waste and understand the hazards of landfills, but also reflect on their usual behaviours to achieve the goal of zero waste by reducing, reusing, and recycling resources.

Author :

Green Guardians

Publisher :

Marshall Cavendish Education Pte Ltd

Language :


Year of Publication : 2023
Format : Paperback
No. of Pages : 24
Dimensions : 200 x 200 x 3mm